Selçuk Kırtay is a Principal Consultant at Plum and has over 20 years of experience in radio spectrum management. Selçuk’s core activities are wireless network technologies; spectrum licensing regimes; and design, modelling and analysis of terrestrial and satellite radio network deployment and coexistence scenarios.
Selçuk regularly develops deterministic / statistical analysis tools, incorporating a range of radio propagation models, used for investigating radio frequency sharing and coverage requirements as well as interference mitigation techniques. Much of his work aims to optimise the use of radio spectrum by deriving appropriate technical conditions including limits on in band and out-of-band transmission power levels, acceptable interference levels, guard bands, geographic separations and filtering requirements which can be adopted when defining licence conditions.
Selçuk has a depth of knowledge in spectrum authorisation and telecommunications service licensing regimes adopted in different parts of the world. He has drafted a range of regulatory instruments including regulations, guidelines and policies. Examples of Selçuk’s work include coexistence studies involving mobile/fixed communications networks, air-to-ground radio networks, satellite constellations, telemetry systems, business radio networks, short range devices, passive services, radars and broadcasting systems; technology roadmaps for cognitive radio and public protection disaster relief networks; spectrum requirements for nationwide business radio networks; analysis of cross-border frequency sharing conditions; radio technologies developed for operation in licence-exempt bands; and satellite system filing preparation and coordination activities.
Selçuk has experience in using the CEPT interference analysis tool, SEAMCAT, and ITU-R terrestrial and space networks and related software. He is familiar with the EU framework programme for research and innovation (Horizon 2020). As part of projects undertaken, he regularly prepares and reviews technical submissions to ITU R/CEPT/ETSI technical study groups as well as consultations launched by national regulators. Selçuk also represents clients at national / international technical study groups.
Selçuk holds a BSc degree in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering from Istanbul Technical University, an MSc in Telecommunications and Computer Engineering from University of Surrey and a PhD in Radiocommunications from University of Warwick. He is a Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.