Co-existence in 1.4 GHz band

Undertook a number of interference studies to examine the potential of releasing the 1.4 GHz band for mobile as part of the preparations for WRC-15.   This included development of co-channel and adjacent band interference scenarios to examine the impact of IMT emissions on radar receivers operating in 1300-1400  MHz band; investigation into the potential for co-channel[…]

The benefits of mobile use of 2.6 GHz spectrum via protection of aeronautical radars

Plum and Aegis conducted an economic impact assessment for the DCMS on allowing the use of 2.6 GHz spectrum for mobile broadband in the UK via the protection of aeronautical radars operating in the adjacent 2.7 GHz band. The economic benefits considered include higher speed broadband and infrastructure costs avoided with additional spectrum availability. The[…]