Regulation in competitive electronic communications markets

The UK Competitive Telecoms Association (UKCTA) asked Plum to examine regulation in competitive electronic communications markets in the UK. In our report for UKCTA, we discuss the efficacy of some regulatory requirements, and suggest a review to ensure that regulation in competitive markets remains effective, proportionate, and consistent with the Government’s objective for economic growth.[…]

Enabling a Sustainable Digital Future: Bridging environmental concerns, digital rights, and digital inclusion

This paper proposes a definition of sustainable digital communications as the practice of designing, developing, and using communication technologies and systems in a way that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, promotes social inclusion, and upholds ethical principles and digital rights. The purpose of this paper, through a descriptive approach, is to show the interplays[…]

Understanding barriers to digital connectivity in Cheshire and Warrington

Plum carried out a study supporting the Cheshire and Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to assess barriers to connectivity and adoption of digital services in the Cheshire and Warrington area in the North-West of England. The study analysed the availability and reach of digital infrastructure in the region. It also investigated demand-side barriers to take-up[…]

Trust and confidence in digital services

Digital services are already a central feature of our everyday lives. However, we may be just at the start of a journey on which more and more transactions and experiences will migrate from the physical to the digital world. Development of digital services in the coming decade has the potential to deliver innovative use cases[…]