Sam Wood is a Principal with a broad range of project experience, ranging from spectrum valuation to estimating cost of capital. Sam has worked on issues as diverse as fibre regulation, platform neutrality and interoperability and broadcasting technology, as well as on numerous spectrum valuation projects.
He is an experienced econometrician and has built and analysed numerous econometric models to value spectrum. He was one of the developers of the iterated cost (‘bootstrap’) model for valuing spectrum, a novel approach in which user data demand is iteratively determined by the model (rather than using a fixed data traffic forecast).
Sam has also worked extensively on issues related to the digital economy, ranging from net neutrality to digital inclusion. He has assessed the contribution of the internet and mobile apps to the European economy, and has evaluated the impact of interoperability and neutrality requirements on digital ecosystems. Sam has provided written analysis, conducted supporting research and provided quality assurance for numerous other studies.
Prior his current position, Sam worked in media analytics, building econometric models and conducting bespoke analysis on advertising for blue-chip clients. He has a Masters degree in economics from the University of Warwick.