Tony Lavender spoke at the Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar: Spectrum next steps

Tony Lavender spoke at the Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar: Spectrum next steps – innovation, sharing and public benefit on November 5th. Tony presented a keynote on assessng the spectrum crunch and whether the UK’s spectrum strategy puts the UK in a good position going forward to utilise spectrum efficiently, fairly and in a way that best optimises the interests of the range of stakeholders. In particular, the presentation highlighted demand for certain parts of the radio spectrum below 6 GHz, incentives for efficient use and spectrum sharing as a means of making better use of spectrum allocations/assignments.

The presentation drew on work Plum has carried out on the 2.3 GHz band in Europe and how the use of Licensed Shared Access creates scale for a band that, without some sharing measure, would not be viable for IMT in Europe. The possible use of LSA in other bands such as 3.6-4.2 GHz was also mentioned.