The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) enacted its Electronic Communications Law in 2011. The law, which came into effect in 2012, created the Information Technologies and Communication Authority, or Bilgi Teknolojileri ve Haberleşme Kurumu (BTHK).
This law is largely based upon the European Union regulatory framework for electronic communications. Amongst the other powers and obligations it bestows upon the BTHK, it requires the BTHK to prepare market reviews at least every two years.
The BTHK engaged Plum Consulting London LLP (Plum) to undertake two market reviews. The purpose of these studies is to provide the BTHK with market analysis on what remedies, if any, should apply to operators found to have significant market power (SMP) in the market under review.
The first report addresses the wholesale call origination on the public telephone network provided at a fixed location. This is Market 8 of the European Commission’s Recommendation on relevant markets of 2003 (the fixed call origination market).
The second addresses the mobile access and call origination on public mobile telephone networks. This is Market 15 of the European Commission’s recommendation of 2003 (the mobile access and call origination market).
Draft versions of both reports were put to public consultation in the TRNC. Where appropriate, adjustments were made to the reports in light of the submissions received. The final versions of the reports (in English) can be downloaded via the links below.