Advice on AIP spectrum fees for broadcasting

Free TV is an industry body in Australia which represents terrestrial television broadcasters.  Against the possibility of the regulator introducing AIP fees to broadcasting spectrum in Australia, Plum was commissioned to compile a report into the use of AIP for broadcasting in the UK, examining the arguments that had been presented for and against AIP[…]

Support to Ofcom’s review of fees for fixed links and permanent earth stations

Plum supported Ofcom in its review of administered incentive pricing (AIP) fees in the frequency bands licensed for fixed links, permanent earth stations (PES) and transportable earth stations (TES).  Plum advised on a pricing structure and price levels that would incentivise economically efficient use of radio spectrum.

Annual spectrum fees and price metrics

Plum produced a study on annual fees for mobile spectrum. The study considered the different types of annual fee, evaluated the metrics used for reporting and comparing fees and compared the level of spectrum fees across countries. This analysis was then used to make recommendations on best practice for setting spectrum fees. Regulators have different[…]

Review of spectrum pricing in the Bahamas

Plum advised the Utilities Regulatory and Competition Authority of Bahamas on the revision of its spectrum fees schedule for licensed services. The main purpose was to ensure that the spectrum fee structure and fee levels would fulfil a suitable balance of objectives, including the optimal use of the radio spectrum, universal service and affordable access[…]

Terrestrial broadcasting use of spectrum – does AIP have a role in promoting efficiency?

This report considered Ofcom’s proposals for the potential application of AIP to spectrum utilised for national terrestrial TV broadcasting. In its consultation on spectrum pricing for broadcasting, Ofcom stated that, where there are constraints on spectrum release, it does not expect “…the application of AIP to meet its core objective of securing the optimal use[…]

Spectrum reassignment in Hong Kong – the case of the 1.9-2.2GHz band

Plum was commissioned by the 3G licensees in Hong Kong to appraise the technical and economic consequences of the arrangements proposed by OFCA for reissue of 2.1 GHz spectrum licences on expiry. The project looks at OFCA’s proposals for competition and spectrum utilisation fees i.e. annual licence fees for spectrum that is not going to[…]

Potential incentives for freeing up under-utilised public sector spectrum in Australia

This study assessed international developments in how spectrum management organisations and governments are working with their respective public sector agencies to free up under-utilised spectrum. These findings were then used to advise on how to provide appropriate incentives to free up public sector spectrum in Australia. Case study countries that provided examples of a systematic[…]

Principles for implementing opportunity cost pricing for spectrum

This project, for the ACMA, provided advice on administrative pricing for spectrum based on opportunity cost. Specifically, Plum advised on the appropriate level of opportunity cost pricing in the 400 MHz band across geographic areas with varying degrees of congestion, and on approaches to implementing spectrum pricing. The 400 MHz band (380-430MHz and 450-520 MHz)[…]

Spectrum licence valuation in Canada

This study, for Industry Canada, valued cellular and PCS spectrum licences which covered the 824-849/869-894 MHz and 1850-1910/1930-1990 MHz frequency ranges in Canada. This was done with a view to determining an appropriate annual fee for the next 10 year term of the licences. Plum examined auction results in Canada and elsewhere for spectrum used[…]