Market analysis and cost modelling of wholesale broadband in TRNC

Plum undertook a market review of the wholesale broadband marked for the Informational Technology and Communications Corporation (BTHK), the regulator in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). In addition to updating a prior market analysis, the BTHK wished to determine the efficient cost of supply of fixed broadband access by cost modelling. The market[…]

Co-existence in 1.4 GHz band

Undertook a number of interference studies to examine the potential of releasing the 1.4 GHz band for mobile as part of the preparations for WRC-15.   This included development of co-channel and adjacent band interference scenarios to examine the impact of IMT emissions on radar receivers operating in 1300-1400  MHz band; investigation into the potential for co-channel[…]

Fixed wireless services review

The study examined the current use of fixed link spectrum and developed a number of potential scenarios for which spectrum demand was estimated to provide an understanding of potential future demand trends for fixed link spectrum and inform future policy. The studied identified major users and uses for fixed terrestrial links and the extent of[…]