Competition, mergers and site costs: lessons learned from the iterated cost model

Recently we’ve been working on expanding the capability of one of our mobile network models – the iterated cost (or bootstrap) model. In a nutshell, this model treats buyers and sellers of mobile data as rational economic agents. When the cost of supplying data falls, consumers buy more of it. Similarly, operators invest in additional[…]

Valuation of mobile broadband spectrum in Taiwan

Plum was part of the study team which advised the National Communications Commission on the auction of the 2.6 GHz band in Taiwan. Plum’s consultants led the valuation work, which employed a combination of techniques including international benchmarking, econometrics, avoided cost modelling and enterprise valuation. The work also included an assessment of the potential impact[…]

700 MHz modelling

We undertook a number of modelling studies for Ofcom in 2014-2015, to inform their policy on technical conditions relating to the release of 700 MHz broadcast spectrum for mobile use.  The most likely band-plan involved the user equipment (UE) handsets transmitting at frequencies immediately above the remaining broadcast allocation, with base stations assigned spectrum higher[…]

Measuring interference to DTT at 800 MHz

We have provided specialist technical advice to ‘Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited’, the UK body charged with managing issues of LTE to DTT interference at 800 MHz LTE. This work has involved a number of strands including;  the development of algorithms and computer models for the site-specific prediction of interference from mobile base stations to domestic DTT receivers;[…]

Releasing Spectrum for Mobile Broadband in Egypt

Plum provided assistance to the GSMA, operators and the regulator in Egypt on developing a roadmap for the release of additional spectrum for mobile broadband across the country.  Following a previous project outlining the benefits of mobile broadband, the Egyptian government were seeking a detailed report on the obstacles to be overcome when moving towards[…]

Terrestrial broadcasting and spectrum use in the Arab states

In order to identify where spectrum in the UHF bands could be made available for mobile broadband, Plum surveyed the television broadcasting markets across the Middle East and calculated how a move to digital television could free up significant amounts of spectrum in the sub-800MHz bands.  Starting with the assumption that the number of channels[…]

All About That App

Plum prepared a study for a Fortune 500 consumer electronics, software and online services company on the app economy in Europe. The study estimated the size of the app economy, but also explored the (much greater) impact of apps use throughout the economy, estimating the benefits of app use in the transport, energy and health[…]