In the white paper “How to Master Europe’s Infrastructure Needs”, published in February 2024, the European Commission presented its views on the future of connectivity and potential implications for European telecommunication policy. The Ministry of Economic Affairs in the Netherlands commissioned Plum and our partners for this project, Stratix, to analyse and explain the underlying vision in the White Paper.
Our objectives were to set out clearly our understandingof the vision and intentions underlying the ideas contained in the White Paper, and to identify areas and questions arising from this on which further study might help to progress the debate about digital technology, markets, and regulation in Europe. Responses to the Commission’s consultation on the White Paper mainly focused on supporting or criticising specific measures proposed in it. Few, if any, tried to step back and assess the bigger picture to understand the context for the White Paper and the vision that underlies the reforms proposed in it. This is what we did in our study, not with a view to either support or criticise, but simply to describe and clarify what we understand the Commission anticipates in terms of market evolution, and how the White Paper’s recommendations are designed to meet objectives to shape the market in the best interests of European stakeholders.
Our analysis is intended to help progress the debate about Europe’s digital future.To discuss our report or any aspect of digital infrastructure policy, please contacts Benoit Felten (benoit.felten@plumconsulting,eu) or Chris Taylor (