The compatibility of LTE services and VSAT receivers

Plum have recently collaborated with Huawei in undertaking a number of studies intended to clarify options for spectrum sharing in C-band. The report linked here addresses issues relating to the co-existence of LTE services and satellite downlinks in the same, or adjacent, spectrum. The report describes realistic field trials which illustrate the potential for geographical[…]

PPDR transformation centre

Plum was part of a consortium examining all aspects of Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) systems under European research programme FP7. Plum was involved in the development of the reference usage scenarios with the aim of identifying the typical current and anticipated future operational scenarios faced by PPDR operatives and the related communications needs,[…]

Measurement of vegetation loss at 3.6 GHz

On behalf of a UK telecommunications operator, we made measurements of the attenuation due to the woodland surrounding a satellite Earth station. The measurements, at 3.6 GHz, made use of a specially-developed channel sounder. Measurements were made in both summer and winter, and the results have been incorporated in ITU-R Recommendation P.833.

700 MHz modelling

We undertook a number of modelling studies for Ofcom in 2014-2015, to inform their policy on technical conditions relating to the release of 700 MHz broadcast spectrum for mobile use.  The most likely band-plan involved the user equipment (UE) handsets transmitting at frequencies immediately above the remaining broadcast allocation, with base stations assigned spectrum higher[…]

Measuring interference to DTT at 800 MHz

We have provided specialist technical advice to ‘Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited’, the UK body charged with managing issues of LTE to DTT interference at 800 MHz LTE. This work has involved a number of strands including;  the development of algorithms and computer models for the site-specific prediction of interference from mobile base stations to domestic DTT receivers;[…]

Technical and pricing study on private mobile radio and trunked radio systems in Singapore

Plum and Aegis advised the IDA on technical, pricing and other assignment approaches for addressing congestion issues in the 400 MHz and 800 MHz bands used to deploy trunked radio systems (TRS) and private mobile radio (PMR) networks in Singapore. The study examined the likely development of standards and availability of equipment for PMR and[…]

Future demand for M2M applications

A study undertaken with Machina and William Webb identified the likely future demand for M2M applications and the development of key standards. Comparisons were provided in terms of predicted demand between 2012 and 2022 for different sectors (for example health care, smart cities, intelligent buildings) between Singapore and the Asia-Pacific market. The study considered the different[…]

DTT signal strength variability measurements

The aim of the study was to gain a better understanding of radio signal variability in different clutter types in order to aid the modelling of potential coexistence issues with DTT using the UK DTT planning model.   Using our survey vehicle extensive measurements at different antenna heights and locations were carried out to gain detailed understanding[…]

Regulatory support for direct air-to-ground communication system

A number of sharing studies were undertaken to identify the potential to allocate 5855–5875 MHz for Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC).  One of the studies investigated adjacent band operation to radiolocation operating in the band 5250–5850 MHz.  The main radiolocation use is military and the analysis concentrated on fixed land-based, ship borne and transportable platforms operating[…]