The Economics of Satellite Broadband : a primer

Satellite broadband technology was once seen as the domain of remote outposts, maritime communications and specialised industries. In the past few years, convergence of cutting-edge advancements in satellite technology, reduced space launch costs, and new business models has increased the profile of satellite technology in the connectivity ecosystem. Satellite broadband is now considered a viable[…]

Regulating for full fibre rollout in the UK

This paper provides a case study on how the UK is attempting to incentivise full fibre rollout (whereby every premises has a direct fibre connection), and the challenges which these proposals pose. In the past, the UK was the first to introduce the ideas of anchor product pricing and wholesale pricing freedoms. These were subsequently[…]

Preparing the UK for an all-IP future

The UK’s Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) currently provides voice services to millions of households in the UK, and the underlying analogue technology also supports a range of data services for both domestic and non-domestic applications. However, the analogue/electrical based network technology that currently enables the PSTN is coming to the end of its life[…]

The Impact of a Broadband Universal Service Obligation in the UK

The total cost, number of premises connected and overall net-benefit to the country of a broadband USO for the UK are all sensitive to design choices such as download speed, cost threshold, assumed take-up rates and funding mechanism – so were the findings of Plum’s study for the Broadband Stakeholder Group (BSG). The BSG is[…]

Plum Insight: Video content and broadband – a marriage made in heaven

In the developed world there is now strong convergence between the retail pay TV markets and the retail broadband markets in which suppliers in both markets increasingly compete for the spend of the same consumers. This trend is likely to continue as the capability of fixed and mobile broadband networks continues to improve rapidly over[…]

The case for lifting ex-ante regulation of wholesale local access in the Netherlands

The Netherlands telecoms regulator, ACM, proposed regulation of wholesale access provided by KPN in March 2015. Following the expression of serious doubts by the European Commission in a letter of 30 April 2015, the ACM revised its draft decision in July 2015, but nevertheless concluded that KPN had SMP and proposed price controls on copper[…]

This Connect’d Isle: building upon success in digital communications

Plum prepared a report for BT “This Connect’d Isle: building upon success in digital communications” in the context of the Ofcom Strategic Review of Digital Communications.  The report considered outcome in the UK to date, future demand for fibre and the potential impact of structural separation.  The report proposed the further reduction of barriers to[…]