Spectrum reassignment in Hong Kong – the case of the 1.9-2.2GHz band

Plum was commissioned by the 3G licensees in Hong Kong to appraise the technical and economic consequences of the arrangements proposed by OFCA for reissue of 2.1 GHz spectrum licences on expiry. The project looks at OFCA’s proposals for competition and spectrum utilisation fees i.e. annual licence fees for spectrum that is not going to[…]

700 MHz band plans in Europe

Plum evaluated alternative harmonised band plans, 2×40 MHz versus 2×30 MHz, for the 700 MHz band for the ITU-R Region 1.  The study looks at the economic issues to inform the GSMA regarding the best candidate from these two band plans.  The study focusses on the costs and benefits from an operator perspective as well as[…]

Impact of spectrum assignment approaches on growth and jobs

Plum prepared a paper for Vodafone assessing the potential consequences of different spectrum assignment approaches being considered in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular the paper discusses three case studies: Kenya, where a single, monopoly wholesale LTE network based on a public private partnership (PPP) model was being considered by the Government Ghana, where incumbent operators were[…]

900 MHz band liberalisation

The objective of study was to assess the impact of allowing the 900MHz spectrum band to be liberalised to provide services in Romania with UMTS (3G) systems. This opening up of the spectrum band was required by 2009 EU Directives. To assess the impact of allowing UMTS technologies to be used in the 900MHz band, the study: developed[…]