Next generation wholesale leased circuits cost model

The Taiwanese regulator NCC has taken a decision to adopt a cost-oriented approach for the regulation of next generation wholesale leased line services. To support the NCC in deriving appropriate wholesale prices for these services, Plum was commissioned to build a bottom-up long run incremental cost (LRIC) model. Plum, working alongside the Telecom Technology Center,[…]

Valuation of mobile broadband spectrum in Taiwan

Plum was part of the study team which advised the National Communications Commission on the auction of the 2.6 GHz band in Taiwan. Plum’s consultants led the valuation work, which employed a combination of techniques including international benchmarking, econometrics, avoided cost modelling and enterprise valuation. The work also included an assessment of the potential impact[…]

To Buy or Not To Buy: the value of AWS spectrum in Paraguay

Plum carried out an exercise for Telecom Argentina looking at the value of spectrum in various bands for their operations in Paraguay. This project was designed to inform Telecom Argentina of the relative value of spectrum, and to influence their future strategy around participation in spectrum auctions and other spectrum acquisition.

Valuing mobile spectrum in Mexico

Plum was commissioned by the Inter-American Development Bank to provide advice to the Mexican telecommunications regulator, the IFT, on the appropriate way of valuing spectrum ahead of a number of auctions.  The IFT was set to significantly expand the amount of spectrum available to operators, and wanted to understand the appropriate level for reserve prices[…]

The effect of national roaming in Canada

Plum provided advice to an investor in the Canadian telecoms market regarding the impact of new national roaming rules in the mobile market. The CRTC announced that it would regulate national roaming in Canada more strictly, a move which would help the smaller mobile operators which do not hold national spectrum.  Plum advised the client on the[…]

The economic impact of UHF in India and Pakistan

On behalf of the GSMA, Plum estimated the potential impact of additional spectrum awards to mobile operators in India and Pakistan, focussing on the sub-700MHz spectrum bands which could be released after digital switchover. First, Plum analysed the current television markets in each country, to identify how much spectrum could be released once the analogue[…]

The impact of mobile broadband in Egypt

Plum carried out a study into the social, cultural and economic benefits that would be expected if the government of Egypt released sufficient spectrum to mobile operators in order to overcome short-term and medium-term capacity constraints.  The study built a model of the market with and without the spectrum, and looked at the impact on[…]

The value of 900 and 1800 MHz spectrum in Thailand

Plum was a member of an ITU team that advised the NBTC, Thailand on spectrum valuation methodology, derived spectrum values and advised on reserve prices for the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands. Reserve prices provide starting prices for different lots in an auction and so they are not an estimate of the value that[…]