Global momentum and economic impact of the 1.4/1.5 GHz band for IMT

This study for the GSMA demonstrates the gathering global momentum around adoption of 1.4/1.5 GHz band for IMT services in the run up to WRC-15.  The 1.4/1.5 GHz band is of value to IMT services because it provides much needed capacity to support traffic growth and has propagation characteristics that support better rural and in-building[…]

Terrestrial broadcasting and spectrum use in the Arab states

In order to identify where spectrum in the UHF bands could be made available for mobile broadband, Plum surveyed the television broadcasting markets across the Middle East and calculated how a move to digital television could free up significant amounts of spectrum in the sub-800MHz bands.  Starting with the assumption that the number of channels[…]

Support to Ofcom’s review of fees for fixed links and permanent earth stations

Plum supported Ofcom in its review of administered incentive pricing (AIP) fees in the frequency bands licensed for fixed links, permanent earth stations (PES) and transportable earth stations (TES).  Plum advised on a pricing structure and price levels that would incentivise economically efficient use of radio spectrum.

The economic impact of UHF in India and Pakistan

On behalf of the GSMA, Plum estimated the potential impact of additional spectrum awards to mobile operators in India and Pakistan, focussing on the sub-700MHz spectrum bands which could be released after digital switchover. First, Plum analysed the current television markets in each country, to identify how much spectrum could be released once the analogue[…]

Challenges and opportunities of broadcast-broadband convergence and its impact on spectrum and network use

Plum led a 12 month study, working with Farncombe, to assess the options for future use of UHF spectrum in the EU – with a focus on the case for and against a converged mobile/DTT platform. The study involved: Wide consultation with, and three workshops for, industry players A detailed assessment of how audio-visual services[…]

Future demand for M2M applications

A study undertaken with Machina and William Webb identified the likely future demand for M2M applications and the development of key standards. Comparisons were provided in terms of predicted demand between 2012 and 2022 for different sectors (for example health care, smart cities, intelligent buildings) between Singapore and the Asia-Pacific market. The study considered the different[…]

The impact of mobile broadband in Egypt

Plum carried out a study into the social, cultural and economic benefits that would be expected if the government of Egypt released sufficient spectrum to mobile operators in order to overcome short-term and medium-term capacity constraints.  The study built a model of the market with and without the spectrum, and looked at the impact on[…]

A toolkit for enabling mobile broadband

Plum produced a comprehensive toolkit for the GSMA covering the allocation of spectrum, awarding of licences, and formation of regulation to enable mobile broadband rollout – particularly in developing countries.  The toolkit covered topics as diverse as deciding on which spectrum to allocate to mobile networks, to monitoring its use and working out the best[…]