Future demand for M2M applications

A study undertaken with Machina and William Webb identified the likely future demand for M2M applications and the development of key standards. Comparisons were provided in terms of predicted demand between 2012 and 2022 for different sectors (for example health care, smart cities, intelligent buildings) between Singapore and the Asia-Pacific market. The study considered the different[…]

Survey of cognitive radio developments

The study undertaken with consulting firm RTT reviewed the standardisation activities for cognitive radio.  The activities of ETSI, IEEE, IETF and ECMA were examined in detail.  As part of the study the key barriers and enablers of the adoption of cognitive radio were identified as shown in the figure below. The study also explored various[…]

DTT briefing note

The purpose of the study was to develop a briefing note that covered the issues concerning the amount of radio spectrum required by terrestrial television services once they have migrated from analogue to digital transmission. The note explores the different digital TV technologies used around the world (PAL, ISDB, ATSC).  It also considers the other technical issues,[…]

Standardisation in ICT: Current Economic Perspectives

This paper, published as part of ETSI’s book ‘ICT Shaping the World’, considers current economic perspectives on standards. Standards can be defined as technical specifications that maybe adhered to by a producer, either tacitly or as a result of a formal agreement.  Standards may be developed by national standards bodies, regional bodies such as ETSI[…]