Plum Presents: Spectrum policy reactions to the Covid-19 pandemic

In this webinar Tim Miller, a partner at Plum, discusses the spectrum policy measures that regulators around the world took in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, as telecommunications networks faced an unprecedented increase in traffic and change to usage patterns.  From temporary spectrum awards to changes in licence obligations, regulators and governments worldwide played a[…]

Satellite filing and regulatory processes

Plum produced two research reports on satellite filing and associated regulatory processes to support a client on the development of its strategy for next-generation wireless communications. The first report examined the regulations and processes for securing access to spectrum and orbital positions for satellite services, including case studies on Starlink (SpaceX) and OneWeb. The second[…]

Expanding digital connectivity through satellite broadband in the 28 GHz band

This Plum paper considers the importance of the 28 GHz band (27.5-29.5 GHz) for satellite use in Asia Pacific. Next-generation high throughput satellite (HTS) systems are capable of delivering gigabit connectivity and the 28 GHz band is a key enabler to achieving this. For emerging Asian markets satellite deployments in the Ka-band can contribute to[…]

The role of spectrum policy in tackling the climate change issue

The UK Spectrum Policy Forum (techUK), an industry-led organisation that advises the regulator and the government, has commissioned Plum to conduct a study on the potential impact of spectrum policy on combatting climate change. The report shows that spectrum policies can have a significant positive environmental impact and that policymakers must put green issues at[…]

Opportunity study for small cells in 26 GHz band in France

Plum carried out for ARCEP (France) an independent exploratory study about the opportunities and deployment options for small cells in the 26 GHz band in France. The study was of two parts: a qualitative study identifying the technical, economic, and social opportunities potentially offered by use cases in the 26 GHz band, and a quantitative[…]

Stimulating demand for 26 GHz in Europe

Plum Consulting launched a report that calls for European governments and regulators to prioritize the supply of 26GHz spectrum to accelerate the much needed rollout of 5G services across the European region and to enable its full potential. Commissioned by Qualcomm Technologies Inc. and Nokia, the report finds that incentivising innovation by ensuring mmWave spectrum[…]

The future use of UHF in ITU Region 1

Plum carried out an independent study, commissioned by the GSA, looking at the current and future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1, focusing in particular on spectrum bands between 470 MHz and 862 MHz.  The report looked at all users of the spectrum, first considering the demand for mobile broadband and other telecommunications[…]

Wireless Systems Scoping Study

Report co-authored by Robert Thelen-Bartholomew An analysis of wireless system requirements within the Hong Kong Hospital Authority estate. Specifically, consideration on the use of 5G networks, both private and public in the delivery of Hong Kong Hospital Authority requirements for voice and data. The project included an analysis of use cases, network design, and budgetary[…]

C-band spectrum award in Bahrain

The overall objective of this project was to design and implement the award of the C-band (3400-3700 MHz) spectrum in Bahrain. In order to deliver the project, Plum considered a range of market, technology, policy, and regulatory factors. Potential use of the spectrum was examined alongside competition and social welfare concerns, and industry was extensively[…]

Regulation of spectrum transactions and assessment of competition impacts

Plum, working with London Economics, supported the Telecom Technology Center on a research project for the National Communications Commission (NCC) on the regulation of spectrum-related transactions and the assessment of competition issues associated with these transactions. Plum provided a series of reports which covering: 1) International developments around spectrum transactions (e.g. trading, leasing, sharing or[…]