The Economics of Satellite Broadband : a primer

Satellite broadband technology was once seen as the domain of remote outposts, maritime communications and specialised industries. In the past few years, convergence of cutting-edge advancements in satellite technology, reduced space launch costs, and new business models has increased the profile of satellite technology in the connectivity ecosystem. Satellite broadband is now considered a viable[…]

Enabling a Sustainable Digital Future: Bridging environmental concerns, digital rights, and digital inclusion

This paper proposes a definition of sustainable digital communications as the practice of designing, developing, and using communication technologies and systems in a way that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, promotes social inclusion, and upholds ethical principles and digital rights. The purpose of this paper, through a descriptive approach, is to show the interplays[…]

Cloudification, virtualisation and softwarisation of telecom networks and services – Our study for BEREC

Cloud technology and services are important to businesses and consumers in multiple sectors of the economy worldwide.  In telecommunications, modern networks are increasingly deploying cloud-based solutions in multiple settings across networks, operational functions, and customer facing business support, including cloud native 5G networks. We have been commissioned by BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic[…]

A symbiotic ecosystem – how Google contributes to the telecom sector

Plum prepared a major study exploring the mutually beneficial relationships that exist between participants in the telecommunications sector, including connectivity providers and online service providers. The study sets out a view of the wider telecoms sector and value chain, and identifies a number of mutually beneficial relationships that exist between sector players, and which serve[…]

How the Internet works (and is paid for)

The Internet has been one of the most life-changing and fast-growing technologies in the world. According to the latest ITU estimates, 4.9 billion individuals around the globe are using the Internet, which is 4.8 times more than in 2005. The average global Internet user spends around 7 hours per day online, and in 2021 alone,[…]

Approaches to rural broadband in Europe

Many European countries are now getting at a point in their Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) deployment where the only portions of the territory that remain uncovered are deep rural areas. In initial plans laid out a decade ago, these areas were considered very hard to reach. Policy instruments were aimed at delivering some broadband[…]

Expanding digital connectivity through satellite broadband in the 28 GHz band in Africa

Following our report on the use of 28 GHz (27.5-29.5 GHz) spectrum in the Asia Pacific region, this Plum paper considers the importance of the band for satellite use in Africa. With large parts of the continent not covered by existing telecommunications networks, next-generation high throughput satellite (HTS) systems are capable of delivering gigabit connectivity[…]

Opportunity study for small cells in 26 GHz band in France

Plum carried out for ARCEP (France) an independent exploratory study about the opportunities and deployment options for small cells in the 26 GHz band in France. The study was of two parts: a qualitative study identifying the technical, economic, and social opportunities potentially offered by use cases in the 26 GHz band, and a quantitative[…]

The future use of UHF in ITU Region 1

Plum carried out an independent study, commissioned by the GSA, looking at the current and future use of UHF spectrum in ITU Region 1, focusing in particular on spectrum bands between 470 MHz and 862 MHz.  The report looked at all users of the spectrum, first considering the demand for mobile broadband and other telecommunications[…]