Cloudification, virtualisation and softwarisation of telecom networks and services – Our study for BEREC

Cloud technology and services are important to businesses and consumers in multiple sectors of the economy worldwide.  In telecommunications, modern networks are increasingly deploying cloud-based solutions in multiple settings across networks, operational functions, and customer facing business support, including cloud native 5G networks. We have been commissioned by BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic[…]

A symbiotic ecosystem – how Google contributes to the telecom sector

Plum prepared a major study exploring the mutually beneficial relationships that exist between participants in the telecommunications sector, including connectivity providers and online service providers. The study sets out a view of the wider telecoms sector and value chain, and identifies a number of mutually beneficial relationships that exist between sector players, and which serve[…]

Orkney Islands: The case for digital infrastructure investment

The Orkney Islands are currently ranked as one of the UK’s most poorly served broadband areas, especially in terms of gigabit-capable broadband. Less than 2% of Orkney premises are able to access gigabit rates, and only around 66% of premises are able to access superfast (30Mbps) broadband. Around 20% of premises only have access to[…]

Diversification of the UK telecommunications supply chain: Building UK capability

This report for DCMS developed an evidence base to support policy thinking and the business case for actions to build UK capability in key technology areas identified by the Telecommunications Diversity Task Force. It sets out a summary of Plum’s research findings, proposals for interventions and supporting rationale, theories of change and an evaluation on[…]

C-band spectrum award in Bahrain

The overall objective of this project was to design and implement the award of the C-band (3400-3700 MHz) spectrum in Bahrain. In order to deliver the project, Plum considered a range of market, technology, policy, and regulatory factors. Potential use of the spectrum was examined alongside competition and social welfare concerns, and industry was extensively[…]

Regulation of spectrum transactions and assessment of competition impacts

Plum, working with London Economics, supported the Telecom Technology Center on a research project for the National Communications Commission (NCC) on the regulation of spectrum-related transactions and the assessment of competition issues associated with these transactions. Plum provided a series of reports which covering: 1) International developments around spectrum transactions (e.g. trading, leasing, sharing or[…]

Market analysis and cost modelling of wholesale broadband in TRNC

Plum undertook a market review of the wholesale broadband marked for the Informational Technology and Communications Corporation (BTHK), the regulator in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). In addition to updating a prior market analysis, the BTHK wished to determine the efficient cost of supply of fixed broadband access by cost modelling. The market[…]

Digital Sovereignty: the overlap and conflict between states, enterprise and citizens

Digital sovereignty is an umbrella term that refers to the ability to exercise control over digital assets, such as data, content or digital infrastructure, or over the use of those assets. While this concept has arguably existed for decades, it has gained a new currency for a number of reasons, including concerns about state surveillance,[…]

5G spectrum valuation and auction support in Taiwan

Plum, working with the Telecom Technology Center, supported the National Communications Commission on the 5G auction in Taiwan which concluded in February 2020. The work included a review of the auction design and rules, and the valuation of the 1800 MHz, 3.5 GHz and 28 GHz bands to inform on the appropriate reserve prices. The[…]

An assessment of HFC and FTTP options for gigabit connectivity in the UK market

With recent recognition of the need for some consideration of technologies other than full fibre, Government has shifted to consider “gigabit-capable” solutions, defined as those offering “a broadband connection of at least 1 Gbps/1,000 Mbps”. With the new Johnson Government, the schedule for nationwide access to gigabit-capable connections has also been revised from 2033 to[…]