The spectrum crunch is dead, long live spectrum demand

The assessment of future mobile data and spectrum demand is an important policy and business strategy question. The orthodox approach to these linked questions starts from a mobile data traffic projection to infer spectrum demand and value. However, future mobile data demand is uncertain, and spectrum demand and value is sensitive to data demand, since[…]

The internet – the new helping the old

Plum prepared a study on the value of the internet and how the new (the internet) is helping the old (the rest of the economy) for CCIA and EdiMA. The study examined the impact of the internet on many diverse sectors, including media and communications. The study was presented at a Brussels launch event.

The economic impact of UHF in India and Pakistan

On behalf of the GSMA, Plum estimated the potential impact of additional spectrum awards to mobile operators in India and Pakistan, focussing on the sub-700MHz spectrum bands which could be released after digital switchover. First, Plum analysed the current television markets in each country, to identify how much spectrum could be released once the analogue[…]

The impact of mobile broadband in Egypt

Plum carried out a study into the social, cultural and economic benefits that would be expected if the government of Egypt released sufficient spectrum to mobile operators in order to overcome short-term and medium-term capacity constraints.  The study built a model of the market with and without the spectrum, and looked at the impact on[…]

Plum Insight: Do you need a mobile data forecast to estimate spectrum demand?

Spectrum demand is a key input to decisions over spectrum allocation and assignment. Yet estimates of spectrum demand are sensitive to assumptions regarding future mobile traffic, which are uncertain. In this Insight we consider an alternative approach to modelling the demand for spectrum which dispenses with the need for a data traffic forecast. Instead, the[…]

The economic and social benefits of 3G in Pakistan

Plum prepared a report for Qualcomm that appraised the economic and social benefits of releasing 2.1GHz spectrum for 3G services in Pakistan.  The report quantifies the economic benefits, in terms of a GDP impact and revenues raised from the auction of spectrum, and discusses the considerable social benefits from use of 3G services to enhance[…]