700 MHz modelling

We undertook a number of modelling studies for Ofcom in 2014-2015, to inform their policy on technical conditions relating to the release of 700 MHz broadcast spectrum for mobile use.  The most likely band-plan involved the user equipment (UE) handsets transmitting at frequencies immediately above the remaining broadcast allocation, with base stations assigned spectrum higher[…]

Measuring interference to DTT at 800 MHz

We have provided specialist technical advice to ‘Digital Mobile Spectrum Limited’, the UK body charged with managing issues of LTE to DTT interference at 800 MHz LTE. This work has involved a number of strands including;  the development of algorithms and computer models for the site-specific prediction of interference from mobile base stations to domestic DTT receivers;[…]

Terrestrial broadcasting and spectrum use in the Arab states

In order to identify where spectrum in the UHF bands could be made available for mobile broadband, Plum surveyed the television broadcasting markets across the Middle East and calculated how a move to digital television could free up significant amounts of spectrum in the sub-800MHz bands.  Starting with the assumption that the number of channels[…]

Sub-Saharan Africa DTT requirements

The GSMA wanted to gain an understanding of potential demand for DTT in sub-Saharan Africa within the band 470 – 694 MHz.  In order to help the GSMA to achieve this aim, the study undertook a review of DTT requirements within an example set of countries and the implications for spectrum release based on RRC-06[…]

What next for DTT? The case for implementing T2 at the same time as 700MHz clearance

Plum assessed the social and economic impact of adoption of a more efficient transmission technology (i.e. DVB-T2) on digital terrestrial television (DTT) at the time of 700MHz clearance (assumed to be 2019-2021). If the 700 MHz band (694-790 MHz) is repurposed from broadcasting to mobile use, the spectrum available to broadcast TV would be reduced[…]

Sharing between IMT and DTT

This study considered the feasibility of co-channel co-existence between IMT and DTT systems operating in the 470 – 694/698 MHz band. The study focussed on the impact of interference from IMT into DTT systems. Due to relatively high antenna gains, EIRP values and fixed antenna masts positioned above the clutter, the protection of DTT receivers[…]

Benefits of digital broadcasting

Plum and Farncombe developed for the GSMA a summary of the benefits of digital broadcasting that flow to players on the broadcast value chain.  The benefits for the broadcasting industry of the transition to DTT include: An increase in the capacity of broadcast transmission networks by improving spectrum efficiency (i.e. more data can be transmitted per[…]

Terrestrial broadcasting use of spectrum – does AIP have a role in promoting efficiency?

This report considered Ofcom’s proposals for the potential application of AIP to spectrum utilised for national terrestrial TV broadcasting. In its consultation on spectrum pricing for broadcasting, Ofcom stated that, where there are constraints on spectrum release, it does not expect “…the application of AIP to meet its core objective of securing the optimal use[…]